Online Diary
I have been browsing the web for at least 7 years now, yet I had failed to discover this thing called the online diary. My blog for me worked both as a space where I would learn writing, think and also put out intensely personal thoughts. Good for me, I finally did discover the online dairy and have one now. Its a place where one can write out affirmations. And affirmations are what I need to write up my PhD dissertation. An online diary can be made public or kept private: it is entirely up to keeper. I was weary of the version of self-hood found all over the web...very declarative, sure, excessive with self-analysis, and lots of hullabaloo about what I have on my mind, what music and mood I am into and so on. It was all about putting into one smart, cheeky line what you go through from one day to another. With friends and acquaintances all knowing everything about you, vulnerability is the only word I can think of and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. As if one was not vulner...