Relearning the ABC!
A few weekends ago we went to attend a lecture by a Swami of the Chinmayananda Mission in San Diego. In the interesting part of his lecture he gave some tips to a disciplined life. It was quite nice and I wrote them down. Here they are for another day when I might need to feel inspired again. Remember, J for Jokes! A-Turn attention inward B-Breathing C-Concentrate D-Diet E-Exercise F-Flexibility G-Goal H-Healing I-Inspiration J-Jokes K-Knowledge (Spiritual) L-Love selflessly M-Meditation N-Nature watching O-Observation thoughts & Feelings P-Prayer Q-Quietude R-? S-? T-Time-management U-Understanding V-Values (Read Scriptures) W-Watchful walking X-Devalue the causes of stress Y-Yoga Z-Zestful living Among some other things, we were told that the word for dictionary in Sanskrit, shabdakosha, literally means "repository of sounds." It is not a repository of words as we tend to think. That means a lot to the researcher of Hinduism in me. ...