More on Kumkum Roy's Lecture...
In continuation with a post on Kumkum Roy's lecture that I had posted on the CCS course discussion livejounral community, Prathamesh T and I had a conversation. Here it is: Dear All, Prathamesh T and Sushumna Kannan had this conversation over chat this morning (on a shaky internet connection that demanded much patience) and would like to share it with all of you. Please do respond with more comments, clarifications etc. We hope to keep our conversation going and will be glad if others pitched in as well. Warmly Sushumna Kannan Prathamesh T Saturday Jan 17th 2009. me: Hi! prathamesh.t: hey me: So tell me what would your reply have been like... prathamesh.t: ok I think, some of your objections have inherent assumptions me: ok prathamesh.t: like experience as a sole criterion for knowledge creation or rather obtaining knowledge. Go on. me: No, I don’t think I said it was the sole criterion. But when experience clashes with theorizing, then problems arise. We might want to think then o...